Free-From Products sms-underline

Free-From Products, modified tapicoa starch, Texturizer, tapioca starch

Free-From Foods have now become more widely available and mainstream due to increasing number of consumers having problems with food allergies.  Avoidance consuming milk protein, lactose, egg products, and wheat gluten has turned consumers to look for Free-From foods such as Casein-Free, Egg-Free, Gelatin-Free, and Gluten-Free.

Besides the allergen concerns, Free-From products are also responsive to health trend, vegan style, and religion limitation. SMS, we are proud to help food manufacturer reach the strong demand with our starch solutions that lift up food performance and also comply with Halal and Kosher food certificates. 

Egg-Free Cakes

Egg is an important ingredient in sponge cake. Eggs  emulsify, act as a leavening agent and create the bubbles in the cake structure.
SMS offers a solution to cater to the demand for Vegan, Cholesterol-Free and Allergen-Free cake products. A combination of EMULTEC®908 and VERITY 353 acts as an emulsifier and yolk replacement in cake formulation while helping producers overcome availability and price volatility problems in the egg market.

Gluten-Free Bread

Baking challenges can be overcome by using GENIGEL®42  and KREATION®D8 for improved dough binding properties, good moisture retention, dough conditioner, softness & chewiness, and shelf life extension. Meantime, PREMIO R7, the rice flour is specially designed to enhance bread structure for gluten-free desirable texture. 


Gluten-Free Cakes & Muffins

GENIGEL®42 helps to increase the batter viscosity, maintain good moisture retention and extend shelf life. This solves the challenge of gluten-free cake & muffin formula with improved volume, even cell structure and without imparting a grainy texture.

Gluten-free Cookies

In gluten-free recipes SMS 454 creates the unique texture of cookies with improved crispiness and puffing ability. Without gluten in the recipe, you can now make  delicious cookies without a dry, crumbly or grainy texture.

Gelatin-Free Candy

Open up more choices to vegan consumers, you can create gelatin-free candy with excellent properties using KREATION® A115 – a total gelatin replacer. This starch solution provides ultra-performance like gelatin at a considerably lower cost.

Gelatin-Free Yogurt

More consumers choosing a diet without gelatin provides a challenge for producers. We provide you with an alternative option to totally replace gelatin in your yogurt recipe. KREAMERY®GF gives you a bouncy, springy and creamy texture. This modified starch can be used along with your viscosifying starch.

Zero Fat Yogurt

Healthy products for health-conscious consumers are a hit now. However, when fat is removed from yogurt, the product lacks the normal mouthfeel.

By this, SMS has introduced versatile solutions: D-PERSE®1 – a special tapioca maltodextrin, Natura R1 – a functional rice starch, and Natura G3 – a functional waxy rice starch that can mimic the mouthfeel of regular yogurt and provide the distinct creamy mouthfeel and fat-like experience as consumer’s preference.


Fat Powder & Coconut : Casein-Free

Sodium caseinate is well know as an emulsifier in dairy products which not only provides a good emulsion but also enhances the whiteness and mouthfeel of products.

KREAM 1516 is used as a sodium caseinate replacement with no risk of allergic reactions.

Phosphate-Free Marinated Meat

The key is to preserve the meat with both excellent appearance and texture. With the starch solution KREATION®1202, you will enhance meat product with a high cooking yield while improving juiciness with a phosphate-free flavorful marinade.

salad dressing, mayonnaise, modified starch, pregelatinized starch

Egg-Free Mayonnaise

Stability during storage and shelf life of these products is a critical factor. EMULTEC®908, a pregelatinized starch, functions as an emulsifier. It can prevent oil separation and provide a robust mouthfeel. EMULTEC®908 can be used as an egg yolk replacer in any mayonnaise recipe.

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We are a trusted partner delivering high quality modified starches
and world-class technical support to our customers worldwide.
